
Here presents a minimum example for using pymoog to generate a synthetic spectra. For more detailed usage and other functions of the code, please refer to drivers’ guide.

Let’s say that we want to generate a synthetic with \(T_\mathrm{eff}=5000,\mathrm{K}\), \(\log{g}=4.0\), and metallicity \(\mathrm{[M/H]}=0\) (these are the three stellar parameters you always need to provide). The spectra spans from \(6000\) to \(6200,\mathrm{\AA}\) and with a resolution of 30000.

s = pymoog.synth.synth(5000, 4.0,    0,       6000,     6200,          30000)
#                      Teff, logg, [Fe/H], wav_start(A), wav_end(A), resolution 

Then you are done! The synthetic spectra is stored in the object s:

# Plot the synthesized spectra
plt.plot(s.wav, s.flux)

There should be a figure here.