synth: create synthetic spectra

Now let’s see what we can control in synth, the core part of pymoog.

The example shown in quickstart only involve a few stellar parameters, i.e., \(T_\mathrm{eff}\), \(\log{g}\) and metallicity.

Changing elemental abundance ratios

The elemental abundance ratios are altered thruough abun_change keyword in s.prepare_file:

s = pymoog.synth.synth(5000, 4.0,    0,       6000,     6200,          30000)
s.prepare_file(abun_change={14:0.1, 28:-0.4})

abun_change is a dictionary with the keys as the atomic number, and value as the [X/Fe] value of the element.

Providing your own model file

s = pymoog.synth.synth(5000, 4.0,    0,       6000,     6200,          30000)
s.prepare_file(model_file='Yourmodel.mod', model_format='moog')

You can provide your own model file into pymoog by specifying the model_file as your model file name. Note that the model file must be in the format of MOOG, ATLAS9, ATLAS12 or MARCS, and the model_format must be specified accordingly as “moog”, “kurucz-atlas9”, “kurucz-atlas12” or “marcs”.

Specifying the smoothing parameters

s = pymoog.synth.synth(5000, 4.0,    0,       6000,     6200,          30000)
s.prepare_file(smooth_para=['r', 0.1, 10, 0,  5, 0])

The smooth_para kayword in s.prepare_file is used for specifying the smoothing parameters. The arrangement of smooth_para follows the third line of plotpars in batch.par (refer to page 9 of MOOG Manual). The first value is a one-character smoothing type for the synthetic spectra. Possible types are: g (Gaussian), l (Lorentzian), v (rotational), m (macroturbulent), c=g+v, d=g+m, r=g+m+v The following values are:

  • the full-width-at-half-maximum of a Gaussian smoothing function

  • vsini of a rotational broadening function

  • limb darkening coefficient of a rotational broadening function

  • macroturbulence veloxity

  • the full-width-at-half-maximum of a Lorentzian smoothing function

Note that if a type is specified, then only the value of this (or these) type(s) are valid.

pymoog use the full-width-at-half-maximum of a Gaussian smoothing function as the line-spread-function, and calculate the width from the input resolution. If the second value in smooth_para is set as 0, then it will be over-written by the width, othewise not over-written.